Federal Budget 2024: Sales and Excise Tax Measures
Extending GST Relief to Student Residences
In 2023, the government announced that it would temporarily remove the GST from new purpose-built rental housing projects, such as apartment buildings, student housing and senior residences built specifically for long-term rental accommodation.
Budget 2024 proposed to apply the normal GST/HST rules that apply to other builders (i.e., paying GST/HST on the final value of the building) in respect of new student housing projects such that they can claim the enhanced GST rental rebate. Budget 2024 also proposed to allow universities, public colleges and school authorities that operate on a not-for-profit basis to access the rebate with respect to new student housing. This would not be available to universities, public colleges and school authorities that operate on a for-profit basis.
The proposed measures would apply to student residences that begin construction after September 13, 2023 and before 2031, and that complete construction before 2036.
GST/HST on Face Masks and Face Shields
Budget 2024 proposed to repeal the temporary zero-rating of certain face masks or respirators and certain face shields under the GST/HST. This measure would apply to supplies made on or after May 1, 2024.