BC Employer Training Grant Program

Training and educating employees can quickly become an expensive process which may make it difficult for them to access the skills training programs needed to keep up with labour market demands. To help increase access to these programs and help ease the financial burden that training may have on employers, the government of British Columbia offers the British Columbia Employer Training Grant program.

Employers may receive a reimbursement of 60-100% of eligible training costs up to $300,000 per fiscal year (April 1 – March 31). To qualify, the employer must pay all the training and training-related expenses, in full, and submit a reimbursement application with itemized receipts before the training program has begun. Training and educational programs must improve employee job-related skills that lead to a job for an unemployed person or a better job for a current employee. Further information regarding the program and access to the online application portal can be found by clicking here.

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